Carbon Canyon Engagement Session | Sabrina and Leo

Once you get to know Sabrina and Leo, you quickly realize how unique they are and how much love and joy they have for each other. We headed out to Carbon Canyon for their engagement session and I have to say they rocked it out!

With Leo's love of bass fishing and Sabrina's love of family and good food, we knew they were going to be awesome to hang with! Their story is pretty personal and through all of the thick and thin we realized that they were absolutely meant to be and we couldn't be happier for them. They are such a fun and relaxed couple, they are truly authentic and their emotions were shining throughout the whole session. 

We can't wait to rock out with them at Hurst Ranch wedding later on this year and to see them celebrate with friends and family.  If their engagement session is an early indicator, we know their wedding is going to be a total blast!

Check out Sabrina and Leo's engagement highlights and make sure to give them their blessings in the comments below!


I hope you enjoyed these as much as we did photographing them! If you, or you know a friend or two who is planning on getting married and you want us to meet them, feel free to share this post with them. Or simply fill out the form below and we'll be in contact with them. 

You absolutely rock!!