Suzette & Aaron in Los Angeles | Engagement Session Photography

From the day we all met in that coffee shop, we knew we were going to have a blast together. Suzette and Aaron are definitely the yin to each other's yang. She's an awesome, super energetic, child therapist, he's a user support, super cool, tech guru dude. And they are madly in love with each other; you can just see it in their eyes.

We started off the session with a light lunch and a round of "Speed" (I think you can tell who won!) We also used the sweet chairs that were scattered around the park, then we had some time to show how much they love each other. They had us laughing so much and made the session super fun; it felt as if we were on a double date the whole time! 

If their engagement is any indication, their wedding is going to be one crazy party and September can't arrive fast enough!!

​Congrats on your engagement guys!! 

​**as always, click on any image to view the full size!